Sennheiser HD 560s

25.900 RSD
Kao jedan od retkih proizvođača koji još uvek nudi istinske audiofilske slušalice, nemački Sennheiser predstavio je novitet u seriji HD 500.
Novi over-ear model nosi oznaku HD 560S i vizuelno se oslanja na prethodnike, što uključuje velike rezonatore elipsastog oblika i odlično uklopljen nosač.
Otvorena konstrukcija podrazumeva da je spoljašnja strana rezonatora prekrivena metalnom mrežicom, dok se u unutrašnjosti nalaze potpuno nove zvučničke jedinice. One su izrađene od mešavine polimera i, prema rečima kompanije, pružaju čist, precizan i verodostojan zvuk, kao i dubok i uglađen bas, na tragu uspešnog modela HD 660S. HD 560S se i u pogledu udobnosti ugledaju na poznate modele HD 660S i HD 599: konstrukcija je lagana, a velurski jastučići savršeno su ergonomski odmereni, dok otvoren dizajn obezbeđuje prirodnu ventilaciju i hlađenje.

U pogledu zehničkih karakteristika, kao najznačajnije ističu se impedansa od 120 oma, zvučni pritisak od 110 decibela i frekvencijski opseg od šest herca do 38 kiloherca, uz izobličenja manja od 0,05 odsto.
Za povezivanje se koristi odvojivi kabl dužine tri metra sa 6,35-milimetarskim priključkom, a u pakovanju se isporučuje i 3,5-milimetarski adapter.

HD 560S – With linear acoustics tailored to extended listening sessions and smooth, gratifying bass performance, the HD 560S was crafted for the analytical audio enthusiast.

Natural and accurate reference sound
All-new transducer with high-strength magnet effortlessly reproduces deep, defined bass and brilliant treble
New polymer-blend transducer membrane offers highly-linear excursion for superb control
Angled transducers recreate the optimal listening position every time, without the need for acoustic room treatment
Open earcups facilitate the natural expansion of sound waves
Superb detail retrieval with fast, clear bass response

"We have developed an all-new 120 ohm transducer,
featuring a specialized polymer blend in its diaphragm
for linear excursion and improved brilliance above 10 kHz.
This makes the HD 560S accurate across the entire
frequency spectrum, to reveal every detail in your music."
Kurt Mick, Team Leader Acoustics and Transducer
"We've listened carefully to our customers' demands for neutral reference headphones
and have delivered on all fronts: accurate bass response, clarity above 10kHz,
and a natural soundstage. Combined with an accessible price,
the HD 560S represents a paradigm shift for open,
dynamic headphones and invites you to discover the audiophile world."
Jermo Köhnke, Product Manager Audiophile

Reveal the truth in your music

Today’s audiophiles monitor their music with measured purpose on a wide range of devices from headphone amplifiers, audio interfaces, computers, and more. The HD 560S delivers the linear performance required by analytical audio enthusiasts at a breakthrough value, allowing the listener to have an honest look inside their music whether for pleasure or productivity.

Open earcups for open minds

The HD 560S features an open-back design that provides natural propagation of sound waves. The E.A.R. (Ergonomic Acoustic Refinement) angled driver alignment recreates the optimal triangular listening position you would find in hi-fi loudspeaker setups and high-end recording studios. This combination creates a wide, articulate soundstage without the need for room treatment, letting you hear the neutral version of your music unaffected by the artifacts of a confined space.

Signature sound

The HD 560S transducers are specifically tuned for accuracy, offering dependable A/B comparisons of components, mixes, and media formats. The entire frequency range is honest, complemented by smooth, deep bass extension that reveals what nearfield loudspeakers often struggle to reproduce—especially between 20 and 50 Hz. The 120 ohm transducer is all-new, featuring a specialized polymer blend in its membrane for linear excursion and improved brilliance above 10 kHz. The drive magnet offers highly efficient power while its sophisticated damping system manages ventilation—this combination yields deeper bass while mitigating the distortion that otherwise impacts clarity—a difference only the most discerning listeners can appreciate. Whether grading a new hi-resolution master or revisiting a vintage audiophile preamp the HD 560S offers a fatigue-free listen that you can depend on.

Comfort is king

Although the HD 560S sound is rooted in the reference-level DNA of the beloved HD 660S, its comfort mechanics are based on the chassis of our ultralight HD 599. A headphone this neutral deserves a distraction-free fit and a “barely there” feel on the listener’s head. Even the velour earpads have been carefully considered to keep all contact points soft to the touch. The open, around-the-ear design offers benefits beyond natural sound—the ventilated cup remains cool without ever needing to touch the wearer’s ears.

It’s all about connection

Because audiophiles frequent a variety of sources, we developed the HD 560S to provide an exceptional experience regardless of the playback system. The detachable 3 meter cable (9.8 feet) provides the perfect amount of freedom to access your gear, no matter how it may be oriented within your setup. The 6.3mm / ¼-inch plug lets you connect to headphone amplifiers, audio interfaces, and most hi-fi sources while a flexible 3.5mm / ⅛-inch adapter ensures you can extract the most out of your reference material on portable digital audio players and countless other audio devices.

What's in the box?
HD 560S headphones
3 m cable with 6.3 mm plug
6.3 to 3.5 mm adapter

Technical Data:

Impedance 120 Ω
Frequency response 6 Hz to 38 kHz (-10 dB)
Sound pressure level (SPL) 110 dB (1 kHz / 1 V RMS)
THD, total harmonic distortion < 0.05 % (1 kHz / 90 dB SPL)
Jack plug 6.35 mm with 3.5 mm adapter
Transducer principle dynamic, open
Weight w/o cable 240 g
Ear pad material Velour

Deklaracija :
Naziv: Sennheiser HD 560s
Vrsta robe: slušalice
Uvoznik: 4Audio doo
Zemlja proizvodnje: Kina

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